Generate AI-Powered Social Content in Lately… Publish in HubSpot Marketing Hub

The doubly diabolical way to scale your social media marketing strategy.

Better, Together. Like, Hella Better.

What happens when the Lately social media AI content management platform partners with the world’s leading marketing platform for small and medium-sized business?

(Queue galactic star explosion!)

Stellar content, competitive social media engagement rates and a WHOLE lot of automation. 

Read on to see how Lately’s AI Content Writer generates dozens of pre-tested social posts for HubSpot Marketing Hub.


Building the Writing Model

First, Lately's AI studies what words and phrases best resonate with your target audience by analyzing the analytics of any social account you have connected to HubSpot Marketing Hub.

We then build a writing model, based on what we learn – searching for keywords, sentence structure and natural language – and apply this writing model to each piece of longform content that you feed the AI brain.


Feeding the AI Brain

Upload a file and in seconds, Lately transforms your longform content into dozens or even hundreds of pre-tested miniature headlines which, in the case of video files, include the matching video snippets.

Longform content can be owned or earned media, like blogs, webpages, news articles, white papers, newsletters or any kind of text imaginable. 

It can also be audio or video like podcasts, workshops, conference panels, keynotes and more.


Review and Approve Content

Each headline is a different quote that our AI knows will get you the highest engagement.

Plus it's easy to review, edit, enhance and manage the approval process for all the content we generate.

The more you edit and enhance, the smarter the AI brain gets.


Send Selected Posts to HubSpot Marketing Hub

Click the “Send Selected Posts” button to move all your new AI-generated content into your HubSpot Marketing Hub account.

Schedule and publish across all of your social channels as usual through HubSpot Marketing Hub!

“The Lately x HubSpot Marketing Hub partnership saves me hours of work while helping me to grow fans. I can upload a 1,000 word blog post or an hour-long keynote and have a dozen or more social posts, including short video snippets, ready to publish in minutes. Now I have more valuable content to share with my audience than ever before with less work and I can easily track and analyze the resulting engagement in HubSpot Marketing Hub.”
David Meerman Scott
Multi-Bestseller Author, including The New Rules of Marketing and PR & Fanocracy

Why Lately.AI? Because our AI-generated results don’t muck around.

Generate Social Content the New Way

Stop guessing what to write. Lately’s AI creates organic social media content that it already knows your audience will love.

Social Selling on Steroids

Generate consistent, engaging content that converts high-quality leads for employees who don’t know a dang thing about copywriting.

Unlock the Power of Longform Content

Automatically atomize any longform video, audio, or text into dozens of pre-tested social media posts designed to magnify engagement.

Game-Changing AI Insights

Learn the key words, phrases and values that make up the messaging your brand’s audience actually wants to watch, hear or read.

Lately's AI generator is available in multiple languages!

🇺🇸 English, 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇮🇹 Italian, 🇵🇹 Portuguese, 🇯🇵 Japanese, 🇩🇪 German, and more – just ask!

Ready to connect HubSpot Marketing Hub with Lately?

Ready to stop being satisfied with mediocre social posts that don't do jack shizzle?