Giver Marketing

Giver Marketing Summit, Hosted By Timothy Morgan of Giver Marketing - Featuring Lately's Social Media Engagement Lead Cadi Jordan

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Speaker 1: (00:34)

Here at the Giver Marketing Network, we don't leave you drifting out in space. We connect you to a coach who will help you build and grow your marketing business. Our process acts as a guide on how to connect with other businesses, maintain good relations, and establish a presence on the Giver Marketing Network. Each member within this collaborative group will have the opportunity to leverage your talent and inputs a true network effect if you are looking to collaborate on more projects. Welcome to the Giver Marketing Network, the most trusted and highest rated collective of specialists on the planet. Here we have a group of like-minded professionals who focus on making valuable introductions and helping each other grow by teaming up. Imagine Upwork meets a network and a coach. The talent collectively includes services like visibility and SEO, creating logos, designing websites, managing social media, outreach messaging, visual storytelling, and much more. Think of what you could do with laser-focused allies strengthening your business while offering your talent to the entire network. Click near this video for more information.

Speaker 2: (01:59)

Hey, welcome to part two, ladies and gentlemen of the Giver Marketing Summit. Uh, we have over a dozen professionals who are presenting their marketing genius to us. We've gone through several people in the last few hours and look for part one or the original video, and you, you should be able to, uh, learn quite a bit from, from that. But what we have today right now, as we launch into part two of our summit is Katie Jordan. Katie Jordan's gonna be, uh, helping us understand organic market marketing at a whole nother level. So if you, if you wanna get your marketing brain on you, get your marketing hat on. We're gonna help you rock and roll today and make sure that you have a place to, to learn and grow. Take notes, make comments. Uh, buckle up because we got, uh, Katie Jordan with us today, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna, uh, dive in here in just a minute, Katie, but, uh, I, I'm super excited to kind of learn, uh, I know you personally, but maybe not everybody in the audience does. So, uh, what's, what's your origin story? Where did you come from? How did you get to do what you're doing now? And then we can go into some show and tell and be super fun.

Speaker 3: (03:24)

Okay. Well, um, my origin story, I started way back when, 20 some odd years ago, really, um, in this space. Prior to that, having been a behavior analyst, um, or behavior interventionist. Um, and the journey kind of continued from there, um, into working in the marketing space, sales and marketing, and being able to kind of build and leverage over time my experience in that area towards what we, you know, have now in the marketing space, leveraging that in social media. And, um, to be honest, because of that, I think that's where, um, I kind of have this, um, real truth in marketing, no sense of false urgency type stuff that happens. Um, part, part of it really stems from that for sure.

Speaker 2: (04:18)

Nice. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your story. I know that you wanted to touch on a topic today that we all should really learn about, right? We should all understand to some degree, especially if we're either a, in the marketing space and we wanna kind of inform our clients to, to another level, or B and and obviously partner with you, but, or b, we're somebody who leads a cause or a company doing good in the world. And as you get your slides kind of coming up there, um, yes, we'll go ahead and just, yeah, in just a minute, we'll, we'll bring those slides up. But as we begin, I just wanna let everybody know that I personally have worked with Katie, uh, in multiple ways, multiple projects and different, and she, she, she's somebody who you definitely want to pay attention to when it comes to, uh, social credibility. Uh, she talks a lot about earned media versus paid media, organic, any questions around this kind of conversation, kind of building your personal or company brand to another level. So this is gonna be good. Yeah, I see your, I see your, uh, slides here. Let's see what, yes, let's go, let's do this

Speaker 3: (05:29)


Speaker 2: (05:30)

And there should be a way for you to click through that and kind of go through the visuals on it.

Speaker 3: (05:35)

Yeah, you bet. You know, um, we just chatted, so I'm just gonna click through, um, click straight through. I don't even need to share more about me. We've already talked about that. We're just gonna get jumping right in here for the sake of time too, and the other, uh, presenters that we have today. And so, yeah, we're just gonna jump right in with how to roll with organic marketing strategies.

Speaker 2: (06:01)

Let's go.

Speaker 3: (06:02)

Yeah. So, um, we're bombarded by all these pay to play methods out there, and we need that sometimes, but we also can manage effectively or get started if you're a startup business, um, with a lot of these organic strategies, of course. And, um, I also wanna jump in, Joel, I caught Joel's, uh, presentation earlier today, and he was talking about making customers and clients, raving fans essentially. And, uh, that word of mouth piece, that is a huge piece of organic marketing through even leveraging your customer service. So, um, if you did not catch that presentation today, you guys will wanna tune back into that and catch the replay. Um, but yeah, through, through the course of of my time today with you guys, um, you are gonna learn a lot. You're gonna, um, take some notes maybe, and, uh, just get through and save that.

Speaker 3: (07:02)

Step one, you want to know your buyer like the back of your hand. So I give our marketing even we have a structure to this and how we work together and collaborate. Um, you know, you wanna have that marketing plan. You want to know your buyer. Um, I have the word puppies on my slides, I think here because, um, we know that cuteness and all the fun fuzzy things catch, captures attention. And so, I don't mean puppies for everyone, but just what is it for your brand that captures the attention that you need, um, and would like to have and engage with. Um, people are coming online to, um, be entertained and to escape. And so we wanna edutain them and let them have a good time while they're, wait a minute,

Speaker 2: (07:50)

What'd you say? You said Edutain and I see it on the screen. Explain that just a little bit.

Speaker 3: (07:56)

Edutainment . Yes. Uh, well, education and entertainment mixed together. I don't even know if it's a word. I don't recall where anything came from. I am sure that someone else in my circles had used it and it's just stuck. Um, I just think, especially now, I know that Oz is gonna talk about AI a little bit later, but, um, like just with the rise and the more buzz of AI and things like that, we really need to keep it more human and what we're doing online, more human, we know with reels we can do that and we can present ourselves there. And so, yeah, just keeping it real, keeping it human, um, that those little snippets are edutain you're generally doing, maybe you're doing some silly in your reels or dancing or whatever. You don't even have to do that, but, uh, you'll get, uh, you know, you get the education piece across in your copy on top of those. So that's what I mean by edutainment.

Speaker 2: (08:55)

Love it.

Speaker 3: (08:56)

Yes. Awesome. You also wanna dig into your ideal client avatar. And for me, my work really begins with vision. Um, where there is no vision, you can't move the best forward. And so, um, your vision aligns with your values. And then kind of from there, you can pull out your goals. And so, um, I say versus demographics, um, sort of lightly here because we know that demographics still matter, but they matter in alignment with the vision values and those goals. Um, I've shared a link here to value graphics. Um, David Allison actually really digs into, um, people's pain points there. He has data to back up the values piece, actually. So he's an amazing resource around, um, values and just how that plays a role. So, um, businesses, organizations, and things like that. So I really, I'm

Speaker 2: (09:54)

Gonna put that in. Somebody put that in the chat as you're taking notes, and I wanna see it multiple times. Somebody put that in the chat. Value Value graphics com, that's good resource.

Speaker 3: (10:05)

Yeah, he does like an assessment and or his team does an assessment, um, working with businesses and organizations. He does have a book, um, and I'm just, I am plugging him here just because I am not a numbers girl, but he's got that data to back it up. So once I see the visual of the data and my brain geeks out on that, but, um, he actually knows how to pull that data. So it's, it's actually really pretty incredible. So, um, we know that age, job, leisure activities, all these things still matter. Things matter in alignment with that values piece too. So, um, just, you wanna know how does this line up with your products or services and what are your, you know, your audio, um, audience insights around all of that. So you really wanna be able to, to dig into that and, and move things forward through that. And that this is part of what's gonna help you on the organic side because you've got those key pieces in alignment and, uh, that values, vision values and, and your goals from there. So,

Speaker 2: (11:06)

Love it.

Speaker 3: (11:07)

Yeah. Um, so your ideal client is also gonna dictate to you, um, what they want to hear and see and where they wanna see that. Um, I greatly encourage the people that I work with to play detective on other pages. I call it Oh, oh, sevening like oh, oh seven, go and look around. If you are only using LinkedIn, go look around at what other people are doing. Um, you are not gonna fully copy, rip and strip whatever the phrase is, but see what's working and see what is capturing people's attention that also maybe you can use and leverage for your work and what you are sharing online as well. And, um, so competitors and also people in your audience, perhaps you can, can do that on Facebook. You can do that on Twitter. I know some people still don't love it over there anymore, but there is still some value there. Um, reels all, all the places, um, you know, choose your spots and do some research there. Um, you also wanna test different forms, formats of content and see what's working for you, um, so that you can grow that more and then be able to, um, leverage that and repeat of course, more of what's working. So different formats, um, written content, text, video, et cetera.

Speaker 3: (12:28)

So just to recap what I've just mentioned, like, who do you serve? Do you have, um, different segments of who you serve, depending on your products and services? Um, general demographics or, uh, what David calls value graphics and, um, their hobbies, values, interests, and, uh, what problem are you solving, of course, with those pain points, the goals and what's standing in their way and why wouldn't they wanna buy from you? So on that note, you want to then, um, optimize your own profiles online, and you wanna make sure that your username is there, that there's rich keywords in your bio and the copy of your LinkedIn. Um, your images are, you know, the same across the board or similar across the board. And also, um, on your socials or organic piece, really, there is the trackable link back to your website. Um, we know that social media plays a big role in your SEO, and if somebody is searching up your name because they know you by name or your business name, uh, there was an SEO presentation earlier this morning for you to go back and catch that replay as well. Um, and specifically some tips for local businesses. So definitely head back and catch the replay on that as well. Um, but this is some, this, these are pieces that will pull up and eventually show up on, um, your Google search as well.

Speaker 3: (13:56)

You want to create, uh, I and engaging content. And so go back to what are they asking for from step one in what we talked about, you may wanna conduct an audit depending where you're at. I, I definitely, um, encourage doing this even, um, quarterly, uh, some businesses just getting started, check every four to six weeks on different pieces, checking certain data and analytics, even weekly at that beginning mark. So there's lots of different things within the strategy here that can help really boost things up. Um, expand your content calendar by repurposing content, doing more of what's working, um, and that gives you a little bit less work. You may tweak that content a little bit. And, um, just showing what content is best, what, what have you been using, um, that works for you, whether it's video, you know, reels, text blogs, et cetera. And, um, really getting those ideas from your audience still. What's the feedback? Which posts have they been engaging with or commenting on more? All of those things. And of course, check your analytics to get back to doing more of what works.

Speaker 3: (15:12)

And you also want to ethically use your competitors to create killer content. Uh, I've already touched on this when I say oh, oh seven, you want to go check your competitors. Copying is never acceptable. This is kind of the same now as using chat g, TP, or ai. You can use the tool, but you need to use it well. And, um, it's, you know, scraping the internet. You wanna make sure you're tweaking. You wanna make sure that you are giving those prompts in the way that is, um, you know, getting what is the best content for you and being able to tweak that and put your voice in there. And, um, hot topics. What are hot topics in your industry? Um, again, what's working for those competitors and what they're sharing around those hot topics. Is there something you can share around that as well?

Speaker 3: (16:03)

Um, you know, research is an ongoing task, and so you wanna be able to keep checking the pulse on that. And you also want to think about your direct competitors, but also indirect as well. Some of those indirect ones can also be amazing context down the line for future collaborations or like joint partnerships, things like that, because there may be crossover, but there are also may be some things that really work well, um, in different industries as well for you to do that. So sharing some industry blogs around what you do as well. Um, that's not your content. Um, you can do that and give the credit, obviously, and it's, you didn't have to write it, right? So you're giving them credit, you're giving them a shout out, you're sharing the love, tagging them up. That's another way to be seen across, obviously other people's audiences as well.

Speaker 3: (16:51)

So, um, that's a great way to create that content. Um, future exposure is, is what you want. And more engagement is going to get more eyeballs on your content. So you wanna test and track timing of when you're sending out, um, content and posts and you, when are your competitors posting? Maybe what's working for them might not be working for you. Those types of things. Um, again, revisit those client avatars you've created in your planning. Real time is key. Real time, like we're doing right now. Even if there's only a few eyeballs over on LinkedIn and a few in the Facebook group, people will come back. People are in different time zones online. They're coming back to consume content, check in and see what they wanna watch later. They wanna recon, consume that content, go back, take notes and, and whatnot. So, um, these are key.

Speaker 3: (17:51)

And even, um, you know, these lives work really well. I know we're streaming into the Facebook group right now, but groups are, groups are huge and LinkedIn is a great, great spot for that as well. So, um, those are great spots for you to leverage that and take to get things kind of really rolling so that you can actually engage and keep that organic piece. Um, creating your perfect posting plan and setting yourself up for ongoing success is really key. So streamline by using your planner, using a calendar. Um, for me, I have a naughty book that I write a lot of stuff in . I have to have pen to paper, different parts of our brain operate differently. And so having it digitally for, um, me as well as good as well as writing it down, do what works for you. Um, scheduling tools like lately, meet Edgar, Hootsuite.

Speaker 3: (18:47)

Um, there's lots of different tools out there. Use the tools that work for you, um, always and schedule content, that's fine. Um, a lot of the platforms, if you're just getting started schedule natively, so you can go in and schedule a handful of posts for a week or have a VA do that for you. And, um, that just frees you up though, to actually engage and hop back on those posts, answer the comments, like all of those things you can truly get away with posting less if you are out there engaging, having conversations, even commenting on other people's posts on a daily basis. Take five, 10 minutes in your LinkedIn and your coffee in the morning and go to some of those people you really enjoy. And, um, you know, that, that might be your 10 minutes of organic for the day. just doing that and, and, you know, done is done is better than perfect there. And, um, create that engagement piece and, and show the love. So the key here is that all of the work that you are putting in, in the upfront sets you up to be more engaging. So that's the biggest thing. And also too, I've always used, um, social to get the conversations offline, whether that's on Zoom, if it's local and you can meet someone that's even better, right? So, um, all these pieces play a part.

Speaker 3: (20:09)

Anything in the chat or questions or anything there? Timothy, do you see? No, this

Speaker 2: (20:13)

Is gold. We got a couple of resources you're dropping. We got some kind of a strategy or a structure to how we wanna think about, uh, organic and li listen ladies and gentlemen, uh, and if ask questions in the comments, but, but, uh, connect with Katie for sure. Look her up on LinkedIn or social. Uh, she'll have a, a way for you to connect with, with her as well. She comes bearing gifts. So, mm-hmm, we, we, we'll have some of that in a minute, but, uh, ultimately we want, we wanna think about it this way. It, whether, whether you have a huge marketing budget or a small marketing budget, you're always gonna go all in on organic. Always. That's where you start. So don't, don't pretend like you're going to move the needle without organic. It's just, it's not gonna happen. There's, there's very rare cases, and those are flukes, those are not normal.

Speaker 2: (21:10)

So for 99.99% of us, we, we have to focus in on organic. That's what works. It's relational, it's authentic, it's on brand it, whether you're sharing third party or earning your spot on a stage somewhere or whatever you're doing. Make sure that that's part of your game plan. So what Katie's saying here is absolutely non-negotiable, like we talked about earlier. There's some pieces, uh, around your marketing plan that's non-negotiable nowadays. This is one of 'em right here. So really ask any questions you have in the comments, but, uh, if nothing else, reach out to Katie directly and ask, ask for some more tips. Okay? So I just wanna give that a little bit of a, kind of that context here, because sometimes people will skip the organic thinking that it's not gonna work. Look, it takes some time, yes, but it works . So

Speaker 3: (22:04)

Absolutely. And some take longer than others. It really depends on your business, your, like, your industry. It depends on where, uh, like what platforms you're using. Um, like luxury brands often do well with Google Ads, but you should still have a presence on certain platforms too. So it's all comes down to that initial stages of your planning that are coming from that vision, values, work, building, building out the goals and your KPIs from all, all of those, all of those pieces in the setup part, right? So, yep. Um, yeah, you really do. You do wanna get creative. Um, I'm not even sure these slides have the earned and own media part, that'd be so weird for me. But, um, earned and own media earned was on other people's podcasts. Like get creative, use the replay, like use the video download and cut that up into clips, uh, lately, actually can do that for you. And there's other tools out there, um, for that. And, um, if you're on a podcast, there's audio from that. All of the things that transcribe that, make it a blog, social posts, all of those things, like you can really dig into that to use that and leverage it over time, right? So, um, and then of course, they

Speaker 2: (23:18)

Down ladies and gentlemen, repurpose, repurpose, repurpose. Like, we don't need to waste our time here. We need to repurpose our time, right? Mm-Hmm. or content

Speaker 3: (23:27)

For sure. Yeah, for sure. Great job. Yeah, if you're local too, um, again, like some, uh, there was a talk this morning about your local Google and, and your SEO and, and being able to be found, but also like, um, get creative, like an idea being like, make your own local guide up and share other businesses. Share the love, like tag them up, be able to have that if they have any other offerings, even maybe there's like a coupon code or whatever it is. And just be, have some fun with it, right? Think of think outside the box and who you can collaborate with. Even if you're a business on the same street and, and nothing really meshes, you can still share the love for a local business together. So, um, depending on the level that your business is, um, open to, you can create like, um, you know, drive through other evenings with other businesses and, um, you know, make sure you have some protocols in place for how you're sharing and all of that.

Speaker 3: (24:20)

But I hear Salon could open up to other local businesses to have like a meet and greet night, or a pop-up shop night, different things like that. So we don't just need to think about VAs in the online way. We can take that offline because we really need that human connection piece too. So, um, bundling businesses, who can you locally bundle up with and create packages, product services, even webinars and sharing information or, or podcast sharing, right? So all of these pieces, um, you can also get the team involved. Um, this is one of my favorite things to do. Timothy and I actually worked on a project together that, uh, we, we tried to get this really rolling with. And, um, just getting the team involved in your social sharing is huge. And so who on your team can support that plan? And part of that could be that you've got your Slack channel.

Speaker 3: (25:10)

This is often what I set up, um, with my clients, and we have like a sharing is caring channel. And what we do is we activate the team on different platforms. If something's been shared or getting a lot of traction on one place, we take that link and we drop it in. Sharing is caring. And then through the day, depending what time zone people on the team are on, they can go in, see that link and they can go like, comment, retweet, um, make a comment on Facebook. All of that boosts the posts and the algorithm. And it's just helping, it's helping the business along and helping to get more eyeballs, more visibility, all of that kind of stuff. So this is actually one of my very favorite, very favorite tools. Um, 'cause it doesn't take very much, um, if you are on a team too, you wanna make sure that part of that organic marketing is just optimizing everyone's profiles, kind of across the board to make sure the brand is, um, good. You might have a cover image on LinkedIn that's personal to you still, but you still have your company name. Um, you know, the bio, all of that just really built out with some links back to, um, some of their earned and owned media. Even just really build that out really robustly and keep it fairly uniform across your team. So

Speaker 2: (26:23)

Can you explain the difference between earned and owned media as we kind of, uh, go into like how people can contact you and connect with you? Mm-Hmm.

Speaker 3: (26:32)

, yes, absolutely. Um, and so, um, earned Media again, is being on someone else's platform, earned media, um, earned media is getting mentioned in Forbes or somewhere else can be mentioned on someone else's blog. Mm-Hmm. . Um, it doesn't matter, right? Um, you don't care about the numbers game and all of this, right? It's the quality and the engagement that's that's gonna come from this. You know, people always get stuck on that numbers game or what platform they've been mentioned on. Don't despise small beginnings wherever it is. And, uh, and just take that, but use that earned media. Owned media is your own. Maybe you had a guest on a podcast use use that may leverage that transcript. Um, you know, get that, turn that into a blog post. Repurpose the social posts from that. Just really, you know, take all of those, all of those pieces to mind. Yeah.

Speaker 2: (27:32)

How do people get ahold of you, Katie? What, what kind of gift do you have for us today? And, uh, I see that, that you have a free marketing tips, uh, link as well. Um, what's, what's the best way for folks get that?

Speaker 3: (27:45)

Absolutely. Um, you can see my name on the screen, Katie Jordan. You can find me on all the socials at Katie Jordan. Um, my email,, the link that is there for the freebie, it is 21 ideas ways, um, that you can leverage marketing different, different styles, um, of organic and different ways to, even if you hate marketing, some people come in and they want people to take it off their plate. That's what give marketing's about, um, being able to help people in all the different ways of marketing. But, uh, these tips are just a free download for you, and you can take that and run with it.

Speaker 2: (28:26)

Love it. Love it. So reach out to Katie if you want those free tips and if you want to connect with her, uh, she's a giver. Uh, she has boundaries. She's a strategic giver, but she is a giver. Okay? So, uh, and look, that's the healthy way to give is you have boundaries and you have strategy around your generosity. And I see that in you. And, and when we've worked together, it's always been how can I help? How can we go above and beyond? Uh, you know, you, you, you tend to promise and over deliver. You know that you're that kind of person. So I really appreciate you bringing some strength to this conversation around organic versus paid, you know, earned versus owned. Like thi this is your wheelhouse and this is really what we appreciate about you being a part of the giver marketing network, part of other projects that we're all kind of working on together and separately as well. But gosh, thank you. Thank you so much. Katie Jordan, C-A-D-I-C-A-D-I just type in CADI in, uh, uh, your favorite social channel. Just see what comes up. There's a few others I'm sure out there, but Katie Jordan, CADI, that's what you wanna remember, okay? . All right. Look for that. I really appreciate you today, Katie. Uh, we have enough? Yes. Thank

Speaker 3: (29:42)

You. I appreciate you too. And all the speakers today so far.

Speaker 2: (29:46)

Let's, oh, yes. Alright. Blessings, Katie. Thank you. Thank you. Thank so much.

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